Can You Sue a Doctor for a Medical Marijuana Recommendation?
Last week New York’s first medical marijuana dispensaries opened, and the state joined the growing number of places in the US that permit cannabis purchases
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Last week New York’s first medical marijuana dispensaries opened, and the state joined the growing number of places in the US that permit cannabis purchases
Almost 30 million American suffer from diabetes and 86 million have prediabetes. Along with the associated health risks like an increased chance of kidney failure
If you have a service-related disability, you may be eligible for disability compensation from the VA. But the application process can be complicated and may
In what may be the first incident of its kind, a truck driver crashed into a highway guardrail in Indiana yesterday when his e-cigarette exploded
Most personal injury lawsuits follow a fairly standard timeline: there’s an accident, the injured party files a lawsuit, there’s some discovery and settlement negotiations, and
A Staten Island student who suffered from broken bones after an assistant dean threw him to the ground to stop a gym class altercation settled
The holidays are over, but the worst of the winter weather may still be ahead. That means icy roads, low visibility, and a lot of
You are staying at The Ritz Carlton and loving it … until you slip and fall in the hotel lobby and hurt your back. Can
Ultrahazardous activities involve a risk of injury that cannot be eliminated even by the exercise of the utmost care. Those engaged in these activities are
The easy answer would be to let your insurance company do it for you. But injury claims stemming from car accidents aren’t always so simple,