Any person who attempts to buy alcohol under the age of 21 may be fined up to $250 and perform 24-32 hours of community service. The minor may also have his/her driving privileges suspended for 1 year. A second violation is punishable as a misdemeanor and a fine of $500, or to perform not less than 36 hours or more than 48 hours of community service.
It is also a misdemeanor for anyone under 21 to purchase or consume alcohol in an establishment such as a bar or restaurant, or attempt to use false identification to attempt to purchase alcohol. Fines are the same as for purchase of alcohol.
Cycling or bicycling under the influence (CUI) is also against the law. The punishment for a CUI is a fine of not more than $250 and no jail time. A CUI is a misdemeanor and will show up as a conviction, giving you a criminal record. If you are under 21-years-old, a CUI conviction can also result in a suspension of your driver’s license.
Minors can possess alcohol in a private location, a parent, guardian or spouse.
However, civil and criminal liabilities can be imposed against the provider in the event something occurs.
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